Today I had gado gado for breakfast. I bought it in Sutami street. Usually I buy Gado-gado Sutami by online delivery. I often searched the Gado gado store by Google Maps and always failed. But today I found it! It’s close enough to my place.

It’s my favourite salad in Bandung with peanut sauce. I also bought flowers to change my mood better.

Many things have happened this week. I pray longer for my life and future. For people I care about. For people who makes me disappointed. For people I love. For people I hope have better life too.

I also contacted many people to support my project. I said clearly asking people to help me. I needed their support. It’s really not me. But I need people’s help. And the result is what I wanted. We won the most favourite project’s video.

I also met Hamdy, Rozkid, Anika, Mila, Icek, Abid, Saskia, and Kak Ode. I met new friends here. They inspired me. Thank you so much to Hamdy who united us and gave us a chance to interact and talk many things. Hopefully his project and his master study runs well.

Today we also have the graduation of YBL Challenges. We got many awards today. I see their transformation, my students, to be better person. I hope this experience inspires them to do an even better project in the future. And later, they also be inspiring person for their society.

It’s time to shine.

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